The news cycle is filled with information and misinformation. Someone recently compared keeping up with all the things to catching confetti. So Real Zetas will help you stay informed given the current state of ... well, everything! Here is a list of sources that can help you make sense of what's happening in the world.
What's Being Decided in the Courts?
Interested in any (or all) of the court cases being filed in response to executive action in the last month? This Litigation Tracker from JustSecurity.org will help you stay on top of the cases.
If you are a subscriber to the New York Times, you can follow their coverage of the various lawsuits filed here
What Are Our Elected Officials Doing?
If you are interested in seeing what your U.S. Representative is up to, visit their website and subscribe to their email updates here. Some representatives have been hosting in-person town halls and tele-town halls. This is a great way to stay informed at a local level.
You can also see what's happening in various U.S. House Committees. For example, "The House Appropriations Committee recently examined how American schools and businesses support career preparation and student workplace success. Led by LHHS Subcommittee Chairman Robert Aderholt (R-AL), members investigated how to best use federal resources to prepare American students and job seekers for career success."
You can also view a committee's calendar and receive notifications on upcoming hearings that are of interest to you like the Federal Investments in Elementary Education hearing on February 26, 2025.
If you would like to see what your U.S. Senator is doing to represent your interests, visit the U.S. Senate website. In the top left corner, you will see a Find Your Senators Search Bar.
You may want to check out the committees to see if your senator serves on a committee focused on an issue you are concerned about.
What's in all the Executive Orders?
You can read a comprehensive listing all the executive orders made this year via the Federal Register
Pro Tip: Don't want to read the orders, you can download the Adobe PDF and use the read aloud function if you are trying to multitask.
Can I just listen to a podcast?
Actually, you can. This brief list is focused on people providing accessible analysis of what is happening. Feel free to share your podcast favorites in the comments.
Native Land Podcast featuring Angela Rye, Andrew Gilliam, and Tiffany Cross
Provide a brief rundown of the latest news multiple times a day
What might all this mean?
We are living in an era of uncertainty and confusion. We don't know how things will look in the long term. But in the short term it means we have to stay engaged by any means necessary. During these moments, clear information and the relentless pursuit of truth are tools that will empower us to make decisions and take action to protect American democracy. We must be guided by our values and honor our commitments to our ancestors and descendants. Hopefully these resources will enrich our day to day dialogue and increase our capacity to evoke positive change in the world.
If you are looking for affirmation, a safe place to process everything that's happening, or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals, the RZ community may be the place for you.
We hope this is helpful for anyone looking for information during this time. Please feel free to share your reliable resources in the comments.
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